Blessed Be!

Posted by Moonlit Herbals at 9:28 PM 0 comments
In this pot, I stir to the sun,
An' follow the rule of harming none.
Banishment of bane when goin' widdershins;
an' with water and salt negativity is cleansed.
Posted by Moonlit Herbals at 11:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: altar, bless, brew, cauldron, cleanse, essential oils, floor wash, gemstone crystal essence, glass potion bottles, hearth, herbs, home, kitchen witch, magick, pagan, ritual, spell, sweep, wicca
Our Magickal Melts were created to use in tart warmers for those who don't want the fire danger associated with traditional candles or when open flames aren't desired. Each melt is highly scented and as they begin to melt they release their wonderful fragrance and the magickal energies of the herbs, flowers and crystals into the atmosphere and your sacred space.
Magickal Melts Currently Available:
Posted by Moonlit Herbals at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: cauldron, conjure, faerie, gaia, goddess, green witch, greenman, gypsy, hedge witch, lunar magick, magick, magickal melts, moon, pagan, prosperity, ritual, sabbats, sacred space, spell, wicca
Our crystal floor washes are brewed with blessed spring water, that has been charged with crystals under the shimmering moonlight or under the glistening sun (depending on the intent and the particular energies needed) with cleansed crystals, charging the water with their magickal energies. The charged water is then blended with essential oils and a few other magickal ingredients and viola! A natural, Green Witch brew to help cleanse your floors and bring in the magickal energies into your hearth and home.
To use: Simply add 1-2 tablespoons of our concentrated Crystal Floor Wash to one bucket of warm water and mop as usual! Some people like to take it an extra step and mop from the door in to draw in a particular energy or from the inside to the door to banish or rid lingering negative energies. Again, just a personal preference, do whatever feels right for you!
Current Blends Available:
Psychic Portals
Prosperity Magick
Tranquil Home
Dragon's Blood
Amas Veritas
Moon Blessings
Cleanse & Purify
Light of Lugh
Indigo Child
Kitchen Witch'n
Business Success
Hedge Witch
Mermaid Magick
Gaia's Garden
Posted by Moonlit Herbals at 11:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: blessed spring water, essential oils, floor wash, gemstone crystal essence, glass potion bottles, green witch, hearth, hedge craft, home, lunar, magick, pagan, solar, wicca